Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lights Out!

This old gal is tired! Part #2 of the busy weekend exhausted me. Big event of the day was the barn BBQ so we wanted to ride first and take advantage of the beautiful day. No Indian Summer just yet. It was hot and felt like summer was still trying to hold on with both hands. Of course many other people were thinking the same things so the 4h kids were saddling up and hitting the trails along with countless other strangers. It is days like this that is amazes one that there can be an easy 30 horses in the Park and you don't run into them at every corner. Also makes you ponder why on some days you can't shake some folks. All 3 horses were out today and in a fine whinny of a mood. Calling each other & wanting to run off at a moments notice. Most days they act like siblings that don't want to be caught in the same room. I have no idea what brought on this bought of togetherness. I really thought yesterday would have made them tired and today would have been a nice quiet walk in the Park literally. We managed to finish up in time for the BBQ. Shucking corn, swapping stories and just a nice day under the trees with friends that share the common bond of horse ownership and letting the guys stand around open flame and cook.

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