Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer rain

It rained early this morning and it was enough to really knock down the dust and the forest floor stayed damp. Not enough to make it very muddy but WOW, during the whole ride the trails were just full of great woody smells of damp earth, wood and foliage. We did the regular trek and rode for 2 and half hours. Normally we seldom pass anybody on the trail but today we met up with more people. Hikers, riders and one guy we kept passing. He must have been running the trails LOL! Out of habit I have led the way on our rides but the young mare needs to be the lead dog sometimes too. The decision was okay most of the time. There were a few discussions of nope I not going and yep you are :) and in the end she did great but I could sure tell she was a little put out on the last stretch home. The horses are getting routine down... they get back to the barn and stop by the truck, all ready me to get the heck off and take the tack off too while your at it :)

Hope the weather holds.. We are going out again tomorrow too!

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