Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rain, rain go away .. Summer's gotta stay

It was a beautiful morning, sun shining and thinking WOW, what a way to celebrate the end of summer. Last trail ride of August. Grabbed coffee and out the door. Saddled up and as we were heading out it started. Yep, rain. Good old fashioned wet stuff. Made a dash for the trees to get some cover and wait for friends. Sometime since yesterdays ride a tree fell across the trail. The way the horses eyeballed it you would of thought someone moved the furniture. Gave it a good long look, sniffed it and gingerly stepped over it. Guess that's the long term memory I was recently reading about :) Turns out it rained off and on so we never really got soaked just damp around the edges. Passed a few other hardy souls out catching the last moments of summer in the saddle. Rocket is my trusty trail alarm. If he says WHOA and won't go forward I had better listen cause there are folks a head blocking the way :) his hearing is great and he alerts me to them long before we can see them. The coyote from last week was at the meadow and we caught a glimpse of him and as we came out of the trail into a small meadow by the barn there was a young spotted fawn. He was so scared of us. We tried to give him time to find mama but the little guy just ran like a rabbit in front of us.. Finally got him to jump into the trees and scare the Rocket when he jumped into the air like a jack rabbit :) Okay, okay summer can be over but hey now it's time for a great NW Indian Summer

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